Ayatollah - Verses on the Signs of Allah 96
And those who do not know say, "Why does Not Allah speak to us or come to us a sign?" In this way, those who were before them spoke like their words. Their hearts have become the same. We have made the verses clear for the people who have firm faith. Al-Bayan
Those who do not know anything say, "Why doesn't God speak to us?" Or why don't we have a command? In this way, the people of the past used to say as they did, their hearts are the same, and I have clearly explained the signs to the firm believers. Taisirul
And the fools say: "Why does Not Allah speak to us, or why does not a sign come to us?" Those who were before them also spoke the same thing to them; The hearts of all of them resemble each other; Verily, I describe bright signs for the people of faith. Mujibur Rahman
Those who do not know say, "Why does Allah not speak to us or there come to us a sign?" Thus spoke those before them like their words. Their hearts resemble each other. We have shown clearly the signs to a people who are certain [in faith]. Sahih International
118. And those who know nothing say, "Why doesn't Allah speak to us?" Or why doesn't a verse come to us? That's how their predecessors spoke like them. Their hearts are the same (2). Indeed, We have clearly stated the verses for the people who have firm faith.
(1) There are three opinions about them. One. They are the Jewish community. Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that Raaf ibn Harimlah said to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): "O Muhammad, if you are a messenger, tell Allah to speak to us so that we may hear him." Then this verse was revealed. Two. Mujahid said, "These are the Nasras. On three. Qatadah and Abul Aliyah said that they are the infidels of Arabia. Ibn Kathir gave priority to this view. [At-Tafsirus Sahih]
(2) That is to say, today's strays have not raised any complaint or claim, which the previous strays did not make. The nature of astray has remained unchanged from ancient times to the present day. He is repeating the same doubts, accusations and questions again and again.
Tafseer Zakaria118. Those who are stupid say, "Why doesn't God speak to us?" Or why doesn't a sign come to us?' [1] Thus their predecessors also spoke similarly to them. Their hearts resemble each other. [2] Verily, I have clearly stated the signs for the true believers.
[1] The purpose of this verse is the polytheists of Arabia, who, like the Jews, claimed that why does Not Allah speak directly to us or show us any great signs? What we see will become Muslims. The same is stated in surah Bani-Israel in verses 90-93 and elsewhere.
[2] It is stated in Surah Jariyat:
{كَذَلِكَ مَا أَتَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ مِنْ رَسُولٍ إِلَّا قَالُوا سَاحِرٌ أَوْ مَجْنُونٌ* أَتَوَاصَوْا بِهِ بَلْ هُمْ قَوْمٌ طَاغُونَ}
In the same way, whenever a messenger came to those before them, they said, "Magician or insane." Did they give each other this advice? In fact, they are a transgressing community. That is, more or less all of them have a tendency to transgress and disobey. And for this reason, he made new demands in front of those who called to the truth or called them mad.
Tafseer Ahsanul BayanVerily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the evolution of the night and the day, in the boat which brings good things to mankind in the sea, and the rain which Allah has sent down from the sky, and after he has died through it, He has revived the earth, and has spread therein all kinds of moving creatures and changes in the wind, and in the clouds between the heavens and the earth there are signs for such a people . Those who are conscientious. Al-Bayan
Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the evolution of the night and the day, in the ships sailing in the sea with the beneficial things of the people, and in the waters sent down by Allah from the sky, by which He revives the earth after it has died, and in the spread of all kinds of animals and in the change of the speed of the wind, and in the clouds between the heavens and the earth, there are signs for men of conscience. Taisirul
Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the change of day and night, in the movement of ships by sea, in which there is good for mankind. Allah sends down rain from the sky to revive the dead earth and to make various animals live in it. There are indeed signs for the knowledgeable community in the change in the speed of the air and the movement of the accumulated clouds between the sky and the earth. Mujibur Rahman
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the [great] ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people, and what Allah has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every [kind of] moving creature, and [His] directing of the winds and the clouds controlled between the heaven and the earth are signs for a people who use reason. Sahih International
164. Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth (1), in the change of night and day (2), in the ships of the sea carrying goods for the benefit of man, and allah has scattered the earth in it through the rain of rain from the sky, in all kinds of moving creatures, and in the change of direction of the wind, in the clouds between the heavens and the earth, there are signs for the conscientious people. (4)
(1) This verse does not explain how the creation of the heavens and the earth is considered a sign. Elsewhere it has been made clear, such as "Do they not look at the sky above them, how We have built it and adorned it, and there are no cracks in it?" And We have enlarged the land and placed in it mountains, and we have brought forth in it all kinds of plants which are pleasing to the people, as knowledge and advice for every person who loves Allah. [Surah Kaaf: 6-8] and says of the heavens, "He who created the seven heavens in layers." You will not see any flaws in Rahman's creation; Look again, do you see any fault?
Then you turn your eyes a second time, that vision will return to you, failing and tired. We adorned the nearby heavens with lamps, and made them instruments to be cast upon Satan, and prepared for them the punishment of the burning fire [Surah al-Mulk 3-5] then said of the earth, "It is He who has made the earth easy for you; So wander in its direction, and eat of what he has provided; And the resurrection is to him. [Surah Al-Mulk: 15]
(2) This verse does not clearly state how the change of night and day is considered a sign. It is explained in another verse. Say, "Have you considered that if Allah makes the night last until the Day of Resurrection, is there any God other than Allah who can bring you light?" Will you not then listen? Say: "Have you considered that if Allah were to make the day last until the Day of Resurrection, is there any God other than Allah who will make the night appear for you so that you may rest?" Will you not then think?" [Surah Al-Qassas: 71, 72]
(3) It has been indicated that even in the import and export of goods of one country to another country by sea ships, there is such a huge welfare of the people which cannot be counted. And on the basis of these benefits, new trade methods have been invented in the country over the ages. In this way, send down water from the sky in such a way that nothing is harmed. If this water had come in the form of a flood, there would be no people, animals or other things.
Then it was not possible for man to preserve it on the surface of the earth after the water was rained. If it had been said to them, "All of you must store the water you need for six months according to your own needs, could they have arranged it separately?" And how did they protect them from decomposition or decay, even if they were kept in some way? But Allah himself has arranged it. The Qur'an says: "I made the water hold on to the ground, even though I had the power to drain it after the rain fell." [Surah Al-Muminun: 18]
But Allah ta'ala has preserved the water in an open ditch for the people and animals of the world, and somewhere inside the land through various layers spread over the land. Then he spread a stream of fruit all over the earth that could be made to fall or perish. Again, he has made a part of this water a frozen sea and put it on the top of the hill in the form of snow, which is reserved for falling or ruining; But slowly melted and spread all over the world through natural springs. In summary, tawhid or monotheism is proved by describing some of the development sites of allah's absolute power in the above verse.
(4) This verse presents practical signs and proofs about the true oneness of Allah ta'ala, which can be understood by anyone, regardless of knowledge and knowledge. The creation of the heavens and the earth and the traditional evolution of night and day are the real proofs of the perfection and monism of its power. Similarly, the movement of boats and ships and vessels on the water is also a great proof. Allah ta'ala has created the water as such a liquid that, despite being a very liquid and flowing, a huge ship weighing millions of maunds on its back moves from east to west with a huge pressure of weight.
Moreover, the fact that the speed of the wind is changing them in order to make them dynamic and the change in that speed in a very mysterious way also indicates that there is a great and great wise being behind their creation and management. If the drinking substances were not liquid, this work would not have been possible, as well as the ship could not move even if there was no motion in the air; It would not have been possible for them to travel a long way. Allah almighty says, "If He wills, He can shut down the air; As a result, the ships will be frozen at sea level. Surely there are many signs in it for every person who is most patient and grateful. [Surah Ash-Shura 33]
Tafseer Zakaria(164) Verily, between the creation of the heavens and the earth, between the changes of night and day, among the ships that sail in the sea for the benefit of mankind, Allah revives the dead land by sending down water from the sky,[1] and has scattered in it all kinds of creatures, and in the flow of the winds (in changing the course) and in the clouds between the heavens and the earth (floating under the command of Allah) there are indeed many signs for the wise man.
1] This verse is widely meaning. Because, seven important things related to the creation of the universe and its management and management are mentioned together here, which is not in any other verse. (a) The creation of the heavens and the earth: the vastness and vastness of which is not worth describing.
(b) Coming one after the other by night and day. Brighten the day and darken the night: So that there should be work for a living and so that comfort can be done. The night is bigger and the day is shorter. Similarly, the opposite day is big and the night is short.
(c) Movement of boats and water ships in the sea: With the help of which business trips are also carried out and tons of goods of livelihood are transported from one place to another.
(d) Rain: Which is very necessary for the fertility and beauty of the earth.
(e) Creation of various types of animals: which are also useful in carrying, cultivating and war. Even a large amount of human food needs are met by them.
(f) All kinds of air flow: cold and hot, beneficial and harmful. east and west, then north and south; According to people's lives and their needs.
(g) The creation of clouds: By which Allah sends down rain wherever He wills. Do not all these things prove the great power of Allah and His oneness? Of course it does. Does He have any partners in these creations and in their control, management, and management? No, of course not. Is it wise, then, to think of others as gods and needs besides Him?
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